List catering now &reach the right customers


Stor räckvidd

Direct contact with customers

Three reasons for

You do not pay any commission for a successful referral. You have full control over your inquiries.
Our visitors, your target audience
The majority of our users are agencies and event companies.
We will display your contact details which allows the customer to choose how to reach out to you.
We have been connecting caterers and event planners since 2023

Register now as one of the first caterers and be one step ahead of your competitors.

Register now!

Take advantage of our enhanced visibility and targeted inquiries. Sign up for free as a caterer and ensure that your offerings are found by the right customers


Extensive caterer profile
Direct customer contact
Receive requests
Monthly reporting
Free (for at least 2 years)

Focus on your catering offer

You decide which offers are presented on the platform. In your profile overview you can adjust the data of your offer at any time.

Register your catering business in just 4 simple steps. We review your profile based on our quality standards and activate it upon successful verification.

What categories do we offer on the platform?

Is your category not listed?
Get in touch with us. We'll discuss whether is the right advertising platform for your service.

Customize your profile

Visitors often decide in the first few seconds whether a caterer is suitable for the planned event. With a clear filtering system and categorization, your profile will only be displayed in relevant search queries.

Transparent evaluation

You can freely assess the performance of your profiles. The statistics indicate when your offer is frequently accessed.

Totalt under vald period
Profile views
Kontakta synpunkter

Du är kontaktpersonen

Du känner till din lokal bättre än någon annan. Du kan därför presentera dig själv eller din teammedlem som en kontaktperson direkt i din profil. Ge din lokal ett ansikte och utöver ditt telefonnummer och e-postadress, lägg också till ett foto av din kontaktperson.

Katharina Mitt
Event manager

Ser också bra ut på mobila enheter

No matter on which device your profile is viewed, we always present you in the best light.

Get in touch now

We will show you how to maximize marketing your venue in 15 minutes!
Individual consultation
By phone or video call

Answers to your questions

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